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699 €*
Rowing machine WP 5000
699 €*
529,00 €
Treadmill TM3000S
529,00 €
0% financing
Flexible to your fitness success!
0% financing
529,00 €
Laufband TM3000S
529,00 €
0% Finanzierung
Flexibel zu Deinen Fitness-Erfolgen!
0% Finanzierung

New in store

Test winner WP 5000

Imagine training at home with a device that is not only effective, but also fits perfectly into your modern living environment. The WP 5000, made of fine wood, was chosen as the test winner by "Stiftung Warentest" - with a score of 2.2 out of eight devices tested. It was particularly impressive in the areas of durability, handling and training quality. Every movement on this rowing machine feels like real rowing on the water: gentle, easy on the joints and incredibly efficient. It combines functionality and aesthetics and is therefore more than just a fitness device - it is a statement for your active and conscious lifestyle. Bring the feeling of freedom, strength and elegance into your own four walls.

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Your partner for an active, fulfilling life,

Feel the passion that goes into every Christopeit Sport product and let yourself be inspired by the brand that combines fitness and joie de vivre. 
The new image video shows you how Christopeit Sport supports you in achieving your goals - with quality, dedication and the desire to change your life for the better. 
Christopeit Sport is a promise for your health and well-being. Experience what it means to lead a truly active life.

Consulting competence

Our service promise

The topic of home training is as diverse as the interests of our customers. Even if you have questions about choosing the right fitness equipment or need further help after the purchase - we support you and promise an exclusive advisory service for all our products.

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How do you like to move the most?

There are so many ways to design your own fitness program that choosing a specific product is often more difficult than you think. With our product finder, we want to support you in your decision and give you concrete suggestions based on your preferences.

To the product finder

Exercise bikes & Cross trainers

With our large selection of exercise bikes and cross trainers, we offer effective and gentle training options for different requirements and every fitness level.

Treadmills & Rowing machines

Whether walking, jogging or rowing – we bring sport into your own four walls and offer numerous options for every fitness type to keep the whole body fit.

Strength training & small fitness

Do you want to concentrate your training on certain body regions and muscle groups? With our strength training and small fitness equipment you can train and define in a very targeted way!


0% financing

Be flexible with your fitness success. With PayPal installment payments, you have the option of paying for your online purchases conveniently in installments. If this option is available, it will be displayed during the payment process in the online shop. Simply select PayPal as your payment method.

More information


We are award-winners

Numerous Christopeit brand products have received awards in various categories in recent years, including from "Stiftung Warentest". In addition, we continue to receive prizes and awards for the quality and design of our products. Christopeit devices regularly perform particularly well on various online comparison platforms and the response from end users is also extremely positive.

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Fast support
We help with our product finder and service portal
Safe products
Many products are TÜV/GS tested
Brand competence
Christopeit Sport is one of the leading brands for fitness equipment


Showroom in Velbert (NRW)

To find the optimal home training equipment for you, you can view a large selection of our products in our showroom in Velbert and test them under expert guidance.

To address & route planner


Showroom vor Ort in Velbert (NRW)

Um das perfekt zu deinen Bedürfnissen passende Heimsportgerät zu finden, kannst du in unserem Showroom in Velbert eine große Auswahl unserer Geräte begutachten und unter fachmännischer Anleitung testen.

Zu Adresse & Routenplaner


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